A. Objectives

  • To develop in students a range of skills and attitudes for active life-long learning, including critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and communication skills so as to encourage self-motivated learning
  • To provide learning opportunity for students to make explicit connections from different day-to-day issues related to the humanities disciplines
  • To develop in students the sense of identity, rights and responsibilities of citizens (local, Chinese citizenship and global citizenship)
  • To cultivate and sustain students’ interest in learning social issues through multiple learning activities catering for students with diverse abilities
  • To provide diversified modes of assignments with a view to strengthening students’ learning capacity and consolidating their learning outcome


Last Updated: 2020-12-01 08:00


B. Subject Teachers

Name of Teachers
Ms. Iris To (Panel Head)
Ms. Margaret Chan
F.1 & F.3
Ms. Lisa Chan
F.1 & F.3
Ms. Phoebe Tsang F.2 & F.3


Last Updated: 2024-01-11 13:53


C. Assessment System (2023-2024)

1st Term
2nd Term
Organized Test
Bonus max. 5 marks max. 5 marks


Last Updated: 2024-03-11 18:36


D. Assessment Syllabus


Life and Society Final Examination 2023-2024 



Paper Total


Form 1

85 marks

1 hour

Form 2

85 marks

1 hour

Form 3

85 marks

1 hour


1. Borrowing of stationery from teachers and schoolmates are NOT ALLOWED during the examination
2. Use of calculator IS ALLOWED


Syllabus Coverage

Form 1

Module 22 – Government and I


1. Textbook P.3-13, 17-20, 44-47, 49-50

Except the following parts:

- “Archive” on Page 13

- “Inquiry Learning Activity” on Page 7-8, 13-14, 48-49

2. Supplementary Worksheet

      - Political structure of the HKSAR     

      - Elections in Hong Kong     

3. Vocabulary List

4. Assignment

5. Quiz


Module 14 – Labour market of Hong Kong


1. Textbook P.3-24, 26-28

Except the following parts:

- “Inquiry Learning Activity” on Page 20-21

2. Supplementary Worksheet

     - To replace the questions of the textbook’s “Inquiry Learning Activity” on P.14,16&18

3. Vocabulary List

4. Assignment

5. Quiz





Syllabus Coverage

Form 2

Module 26 – China’s step forward to the world


1. Textbook: Page 4-29, 32-33

Except the following parts:

- “Archive” on Page 7-8, 10

- “Inquiry Learning Activity” on Page 24-26

2. Vocabulary List
3. Assignment
4. Quiz


Module 20 – International interdependence


1. Textbook: Page 3-33

Except the following parts:

- “Inquiry Learning Activity” on Page 6-7,11,19-21,

2. Vocabulary List
3. Assignment
4. Quiz





Syllabus Coverage

Form 3

Module 19 – World trade


1. Textbook: Page 5-16, 19-30

     Except the following parts:

      - “Archive” on Page 30      

      - “Inquiry Learning Activity” on Page 7, 22-26, 29

2. Supplementary Worksheet

      - Classification of trade     

      - External trade of Hong Kong     

3. Vocabulary List

4. Assignment
5. Quiz


Module 16 – Role of Chinese government in the econom

1. Textbook: Page 2-19

2. Vocabulary List

3. Assignment
4. Quiz


Constitution and Basic Law Learning for Secondary School Students 

(Extract from the EDB)

Module 7:  How the Basic Law Protects the Development of Monetary Affairs and Trade in Hong Kong







Last Updated: 2024-06-03 06:00


E. Subject Resources

  • EDB: References and Resources: Life and Society
  • The Basic Law
  • EDB Educational MultiMedia (EMM)​


Last Updated: 2022-12-07 14:26