F.1 Admission (Test 2023)


15 places are open for Discretionary Places Admission.

(A) Application Procedures 申請程序

Download the Application Form during the period from 1st December 2023 to 16th January 2024.
(Please use white A4 paper.)
To complete the application process, please return the following to school office in person or via SSPA e-platform: 請將以下文件交回校務處或透過「中一派位電子平台」遞交:
 2.1 To the school office交回校務處:
a.         Application form for Secondary One Discretionary Place (from EDB) 中一自行分配學位申請表 (教育局)*
*EDB's Copy, School's Copy and Parent's Copy that bear the same Application Number should remain intact. “Name of School Applied to” should be filled in. Applicants are not required to indicate their order of preference to the schools they apply to. 載有相同申請編號的「教育局存根」、「學校存根」及「家長存根」的三個相聯部分需保持完整,切勿撕開。申請人需根據選校意願,在各聯預留的空位內填上申請中學名稱。申請人毋須向學校申明選校意願。
b.         Completed school application form 填妥之學校申請表格
c.         2 self-addressed and stamped A5 size envelopes ($2.2) 已貼上郵票 ($2.2) 的回郵信封兩個 (A5尺寸)
d.         Applicant’s portfolio (photocopies of the following documents) 學生檔案 (下列文件之影印本)
·      P.5 (Whole year) & P.6 (1st Term) Reports 小五(全年)及小六(第一學期)成績表
·      Certificates of Achievements listed in the Application Form 列於申請表內「個人成就」的證書或獎狀
·      Hong Kong Identity Card香港身份證
·      Birth Certificate 出生證明書
·      Baptismal Certificate (applicable to Catholics) 領洗紙(天主教徒適用)
e.         Notes on application submission 交表須知:
·      Recommendation letters from primary schools are NOT required. 毋須遞交小學推薦信。
·      The application form (b) and the portfolio (d) should be stapled together in the sequence specified above. 請將申請表(b項)及學生檔案(d項)(依以上列表次序)用釘書機釘好遞交。
2.2 Via SSPA e-platform透過「中一派位電子平台」遞交
  a.         Parents of applicants should check that there are no missing items in the application to avoid delay in the processing of application. Please refer to the items listed in Section A2.1b and A2.1d above. 為免申請延誤,申請人家長需確保已交妥所需文件。請參閱上文A2.1bA2.1d 部份所列的文件。
b.         Upon receiving the applications, the School will notify parents of applicants by phone. 當收到申請後,本校將以電話方式聯絡申請人家長。
Submission dates of application forms and related documents: 3rd to 16th January 2024.
Opening hours of School Office 校務處開放時間 (Please use Austin Road Entrance. 請使用柯士甸道入口。) :
Monday to Friday 星期一至五 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday 星期六 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Sunday & public holidays 星期日及公眾假期 Closed 休息
Upon receiving the application form, the school will assign an application code to every applicant.
Please check the list of interviewees (Application code) by 2nd March 2024 on the school’s official website (see “F.1 Admission”).
Only short-listed students will be notified of the interview by post.
The interview is scheduled for 9th March 2024. There will be no rescheduling of interview except for adverse weather or school closure.
面試日期為二零二四年三月九日。 除惡劣天氣或停課外,否則面試不設改期。


(B) Criteria & Weighting 準則及比重

A.   Selection of Applicants for Interview 面試遴選
Criteria Weighting
Academic Performance (School performance and EDB Rank Order) 學業表現 (校內表現及教育局次第名單)
Other Achievements 其他成就
Conduct Grade B or above 操行 B等或以上 
B.   Selection of Successful Applicants 正取生遴選
Criteria Weighting
Academic Performance (School performance and EDB Rank Order) 學業表現 (校內表現及教育局次第名單)
Other Achievements 其他成就
Interview Performance 面試表現*
 *In case face-to-face interviews cannot be conducted as advised by the Education Bureau, the school will notify the shortlisted applicants of further arrangements. 如根據教育局指引不能進行面對面面試, 學校將通知入圍的申請者相關安排。

(C) Points to Note 注意事項

According to the Education Bureau, each Primary 6 pupil is allowed to make application to at most two secondary schools for a discretionary place.
According to the Education Bureau, our school will notify parents of successful applicants of their children's inclusion in the Successful Lists for Discretionary Places by letter and phone on 27th March 2024.
If there is any enquiry, please contact the Admission Team by email ( latest by 3rd April 2024.
Results will be released on 9th July 2024 through the Education Bureau.